How to piss off Opera users:
- Remove useful function and add useless
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How to piss off Opera users:
Hello, after upgrading from 58 to 60 disappeared sidebar on pages such as opera. Speed Dial, extensions, history, bookmarks, and so on.
This bar was not pinned so appear only on pages of the opera.
Very often I use it to navigate, and deleting it now is painful for me.
Please, restore it.
Opera 58 start page - Sidebar unbuckled
Opera 60 start page - No sidebar, which is unplugged
Hi, since I updated from version 63 to 64 watching videos on youtube is high CPU usage. In version 63 it was 30% now in version 64 it is 60% - 70%.
I found in Changelog Opera 64
DNA-79675 Use FFmpegDemuxer to demux MP4 + H.264 + AAC
And some other entries from FFmpegDemuxer
However, this flag is disabled and enabling it will do nothing.
Anyone know what happened that from version 63 to version 64 will give more CPU usage when watching videos?
@jojo0587 Wystarczy skrót z odpowiednią opcją.
Domyślnie profile są w
C:\Users\NAZWA_KONTA\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable
Dodając do skrótu
"--user-data-dir=C:\Users\NAZWA_KONTA\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Arek"
jak widać po pierwszym uruchomieniu skrótu są 2 profile mój domyślny (Opera Stable) i Arek
Ogólnie tak powinnien wyglądać cały wpis
"C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" "--user-data-dir=C:\Users\NAZWA_KONTA\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Arek"
Na końcu gdzie pisze Arek to zmień na swoją nazwę.
No i oczywiście NAZWA_KONTA to nazwa twojego konta na pc.
Today I turn on the computer and I have the same problem. Although everything was working yesterday.
@jojo0587 said in Wylogowanie z konta Opery:
@arkus1995 mógłbyś zdradzić jak zrobić to hasło?
Robię plik .bat z komendą uruchamiającą przeglądarkę z konkretnym profilem, po czym konwertuje go programem "Bat To Exe Converter" do pliku .exe (przed konwertowaniem ustawiam hasło w tym programie).
@jojo0587 said in Wylogowanie z konta Opery:
PS. Masz Windows 7 i zakładki w systemowym eksploratorze plików?
Tą funkcjonalność dodaje program "Clover"
@felipejtavaresopera Not only you want it. A similar topic LINK
I've been using it for years ... Facebook without this extension is a torment.
I examined the case by comparing Opere 63 and 64 and it turns out that you are right with this sound.
I listened to the mp3 file from the hard disk through opera 63 and 64:
opera 63 5-10% cpu
opera 64 47-60% cpu
opera 63 30-35% cpu
opera 64 60-70% cpu
opera 64 25-30% cpu mute tab
I have exactly the same problem with distinguishing active and inactive cards.
Also, I hope for a change.