@nuiin I confirm what you say, the same thing happens to me in Ubuntu 22.04, I will report it too, I have installed the snap version and the .deb, and both do the same, the only one that does not is the snap beta. I also tried it on a minipc with ubuntu 20.04, and the same thing happens, click the opera icon and skip/load 2 instead of 1. The worst thing is that according to snapcraft.io this 103 is an edge version, but for the opera web is stable, for the ubuntu software store, which is itself a snap store, both the stable and edge is the 103, and for the ppa (.deb) is the 103 also a stable. It is not understood at all.
Best posts made by albano23
RE: Opera is opening two windows when I only clicked to open just one.Opera for Linux
RE: Opera is opening two windows when I only clicked to open just one.Opera for Linux
I confirm that Nuiin's solution, it works, just follow the steps he said "reset Opera keeping my personal data (Opera icon -> Update & Recovery -> Recover -> "Keep my data and only reset Opera settings" click Recover button)". I just did it with my opera from .DEB and with my opera from SNAP, using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. With this you don't lose any data or bookmarks, you just have to reconfigure the browser to your liking and that's it. Of course if you choose to delete data and settings, if you have to start from scratch. So, before doing Nuiin's solution I have exported my passwords and speed dialers, you never know. What I have noticed, is that thanks to this solution, another bug that is reporting, which is that it takes a long time to clear the history, even if you have only opened a tab, has been solved.
Postadata: Now I just hope that in the next stable this solution does not cause problems, in theory it should not because it is a reset.
Thanks Nuiin, for the solution, you saved my day.
Best regards.
RE: Opera 86 StableBlogs
Hi I have the latest version 86.0.4363.23, on Ubuntu (Linux) 18.04, and until yesterday I had the latest version of 85, everything was fine. But now except for Youtube, I can't play any video from any website. Whether news, entertainment etc.... Moreover, I usually watch Netflix from the browser and I get the Widevine Content Decryption Module error:
Widevine Content Decryption Module - Version: 4.10.2449.0
Status - Components not up to date
Check for updatesAnd this is the result it gives. The thing is that I refresh the page and it says that the components are up to date, but I hit it again and it says that they are not.
Never in all that I've been using opera, which is since versions 30 and something, I had never happened. And no matter how I install it, in ubuntu (either snap or deb). It doesn't fix or work.
It is something desperate, that every time there is an update, in one of them, always happens this problem of videos in Ubuntu (at least in my case).
This is like having a browser in beta or test version, but it doesn't work. And I deleted cokies, I went to browse without add-ons and also in private mode... and there is no way.
You can't do anything that has to do with video...
Best regards
Every how many days an update comes out, because the 86.0.4363.17 was perfect, but this .23 final, this to be polished... at least in linux (ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04)
Any solution?
RE: Opera 86 StableBlogs
@burnout426: In snap format, it's fixed, in .deb it's still the same. Thanks for the information.
RE: Opera 102.0.4880.70 Stable updateBlogs
I confirm that it is not possible to upload anything, in any web site either mega or similar or even outlook itself with attachments. I use ubuntu 22.04 lts. I think it must be that this version is based on the 116 latest version of chromium, and not the current 117. Anyway.
RE: Introducing Opera 103Blogs
Hi, I don't know if it happens to everyone, but in Linux Ubuntu 22.04, when I click on the icon to open the browser, instead of opening only one, it opens two, (As if you give several clicks to the icon, I only give one). My question is a bug in this version, I say, because the first few days to have it, ie came out on October 2, we are at 5, well those first two days, did not do what to get two, to click the icon to open it.
If someone knows something, I would appreciate the answer.
Best regards.
RE: Opera 105 StableBlogs
@leocg What happens is that if I do it from Help in the dropdown, it opens the page where the version is displayed and starts to think looking for updates, but after less than 1 minute, it stops doing it and says that it is updated, without having changed anything, I mean the version.
If I do it from settings directly, I click on check for updates, it starts to think, but after less than 1 minute, it returns that it is already updated, but the version remains the same.
When I say the same version is that it stays with the 104 finished in 54 and says that there is no new one and that it is updated.
RE: Opera 107Blogs
For the love of God, as the snap is packed in Opera, this 107, is still the same as the last 106 finished in 70, videos are still not seen in Ubuntu 22.04.03 Lts, but in Windows 11, if they work perfectly. Do me a favor, I don't want to offend, but improve the snap, so that it works as it should, and the same with the .deb.
Don't talk to me about ffmpeg, because I have them all updated, so that's not it.
Best regards.
RE: Opera 107Blogs
@jedi-am Certainly it already works again the thing of the videos, and it continues happening as it happened in the past, that is to say, it is fixed with the later versions, without need to add, ffmpeg of other places, but if it serves to others that option that they use it without problem. In theory having the chromium ffmpeg installed from snap, should go all right, without the need to go to the ffmpeg that have been discussed.
A greeting.
Postadata: Now let's see if the streak is maintained and the next one is not messed up again with the videos.
RE: You can now decorate your tabs with Emojis in Opera 😎Blogs
@thelittlebrowserthatcould and @leocg and:
For everyone whether they are windows or Linux (Ubuntu and other flavors), it has been updated to the latest version, that is:
Opera One(version: 111.0.5168.25) based on chromium stable:
Chromium version:125.0.6422.143I just updated on windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.04 Lts, on Ubuntu via snap and I had no problems with video playback (I am using chromium ffmpeg 0.1 stable snap version from May 16, 2024). Link: https://snapcraft.io/chromium-ffmpeg
As for the emojis there is no problem when closing the windows with the X, they are still there but they don't bother me, maybe they overload the browser if you have a lot of tabs open, but they don't bother me.
As I said in my previous comment, you have to be patient.
Best regards.
Postadata: For those who updated via synpatic or gdebi or via terminal or with the software updater of Ubuntu and other flavors, know that the stable version of opera, is the one from yesterday and not the current one, see the ppa page:
https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/opera (opera-stable 111.0.5168.18) I imagine it will be updated soon be patient.
For more information you can go to the stable web of opera, where is already the 111.05168.25) here: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/category/stable-2/ and inside there by clicking here: https://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2024/06/opera-111/ where you can see the release date of the version today June 12, 2024.