Since the above..just a few days ago...Opera won't load my GMX email account from speed dial.?? least 95%+ of the time.
Yet Google Chrome loads it immediately ALWAYS...?
I've had no issues with this prior to the recent update.
Any clues.?
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Since the above..just a few days ago...Opera won't load my GMX email account from speed dial.?? least 95%+ of the time.
Yet Google Chrome loads it immediately ALWAYS...?
I've had no issues with this prior to the recent update.
Any clues.?
Back to square one.!...GMX not loading again this is so intermittent...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't.
Another Opera update this morning and that hasn't made any difference either.
It's actually been more consistent today..and I've found that if it doesn't load then if I come out of it and go in usually does the second time.
So I'll live with that.
@leocg ...........??...I have no idea what that means.....why does it work sometimes and not others.?...why do I have no problem with Chrome.?..only Opera.
@leocg ...would you believe...sometimes yes...and sometimes No...all working ok this morning...but usually it fails at some point during the day.
It is SO intermittent....though it never fails when I use my Chrome browser.
Been with Opera for many years...never had this kind of issue's just irritating that I have to go to Chrome to access this one thing.
I have no issues with any other of my speed dial links...just GMX...?
Back to square one.!...GMX not loading again this is so intermittent...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't.
Another Opera update this morning and that hasn't made any difference either.
@sgunhouse ..thanks....I do that every night...and today it seems to be loading far.!!
Thanks...don't quite understand it DOES load sometimes.!..and I have no issues with any other links on my speed dial.?
Since the above..just a few days ago...Opera won't load my GMX email account from speed dial.?? least 95%+ of the time.
Yet Google Chrome loads it immediately ALWAYS...?
I've had no issues with this prior to the recent update.
Any clues.?
Well, I hoped that the very recent update (24 hours ago) might have cured this irritation...but NO...speed dial is STILL snail dial..taking 45 seconds or more to load a website...yet from bookmarks it's instant.???
I guess it's the menu.?...I have either speed dial, all bookmarks or unsorted bookmarks.
If I click on any website that I have saved in speed dial then I get delay...if I transfer that website from speed dial to "all bookmarks" then I get NO delay...or if I choose ANY website that I already have in my "all bookmarks" or "unsorted bookmarks" then I have no problem.
It is only "speed dial" that gives me issues..??
V50 updated recently...but this began to happen just before I updated...I hoped that the update would cure it.!...wrong.!