Google Maps Problem Opera 12.17
bbildman last edited by
I know I'm trying to put off going completely to O29, but now using Google Maps in O12.17, all I get is a block of map in the upper left corner, and the map page does not cover the entire browser page.
Any help other than telling me to complete my transition to O29??
A Former User last edited by
Google sites do not play well with Opera 12.
Try this.
Right click on the site and select "Edit site preferences".
On the Network tab select anything other than "identify as Opera" and click OK.
Then close Opera down, and find the "override.ini" file in your profile folder.
Open it in Notepad, and scroll down to find the block of entries for the Google maps site.
It will almost certainly be the last one as you've only just generated it.
Select and delete everything except the URL in the square brackets at the top of the section.
Then underneath that, paste the following string -
User Prefs|Custom User-Agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0 Opera 12.16
Save the file and re-open Opera and try the site again.
That works a lot of the time, because you're now giving the site a user agent string which it understands, and it should serve code that Opera can use and display properly.
No guarantees, but worth a try!
bbildman last edited by
Actually, just changing the network setting to "Identify As Internet Explorer" seemed to fix it, wish I had Maps Classic, but the way to change it back to Classics (Click on ? at the bottom right) seems to gone by the wayside, as that little ? is now gone, I heard Google Maps is now going completely to the new map configuration.
O well
bbildman last edited by
Actually, Dave, I took your advice and did the override.ini way, and it seems to work good, thanks
A Former User last edited by
Good news!
Unfortunately the "identify as" and "mask as" options built into Opera 12 now serve rather out of date information to servers referring to old versions of IE and Firefox, and they're hard coded and difficult to change.
The manually added user agent string is much more up to date.
I claim no credit for it BTW, it was worked out by someone else!