bookmarks lost
gcatsailor last edited by
Hi Y'all
I am not a computer wiz..... but when I turned on my computer, rather than asking me if I wanted to update opera it began to update by itself... I do not know how it could do this. So I clicked cancel immediately. Unfortunately the bookmarks.adr file is now empty except for the trash folder which is also empty. My guess is that when I canceled, the updater was in the middle of copying my bookmarks from the old file to the new. Is there a way to recover the bookmarks? There must be a temporary file the updater put them into??Thanks for any help, I had 5 years of bookmarks that represents a lot of research.....
lando242 last edited by
Which version of Opera were you upgrading from and which one was it upgrading to?
lem729 last edited by
These links might be worth looking at:
Everyone should copy their Opera profile (which includes the bookmarks folder) to another location on their computer, preferable an external drive. (flash drives are great). For Opera 28, just click on the Opera Menu and then click on About Opera to find the location of your profile.
In Opera 12, the location is in the Help menu, and then About Opera.
With that profile, saved periodically to an external drive, there would rarely if ever be a panicked "lost bookmarks" query. I'm assuming, though, @gcatsailor that you're asking the question because you didn't.