Tab stacking gone are you kidding me? Latest Opera is a disaster how can I downgrade to 12.16?
luxor last edited by
Keep it civil scratchspace. If you don't like what someone posts then ignore it. Or if you find it offensive report it, that's what we have moderators for.
luxor last edited by
Originally posted by scratchspace:
Presto users and are concerned about the direction that Opera is taking.
I know they are and I'm one of them.
Originally posted by scratchspace:
You are either not seeing or don't agree with that point---fine, but I find the grounds for your injunction to simply ignore things like this to be less than compelling.
It's not a case of not seeing or not agreeing, it's just not worth getting worked up about it. There are enough threads already full of arguments and accusations, we don't need another one. If the post is breaking the rules then let the moderators deal with it.
Now if you will excuse me I have a pipe full of tobacco to deal with. :sherlock: -
blackjack93117 last edited by
Just wondering what the differences are primarily. Are there any horrible versions to avoid, or is 12.16 the best?
Did they mess anything up between 11 and 12.16? -
luxor last edited by
Originally posted by blackjack93117:
Just wondering what the differences are primarily
Change logs.
A few of them are security fixes. Preferences of users seems to vary between 11.64, 12.15 and 12.16. -
blackjack93117 last edited by
Originally posted by scratchspace:
Originally posted by blackjack93117:
Don't need to go through the "you're a troll" posts, because I'm not..
No? What do you call someone who declares a browser a "disaster" solely on the basis that it lacks tab stacking, and does so in a thread titled "Tab stacking gone are you kidding me? Latest Opera is a disaster how can I downgrade to 12.16?"? To be fair, I suppose "drama queen" is another possibility.
Here we go - just what I expected.
What a waste of time defending a browser you're emotionally attached to and being offended if it is criticized. I asked a simple question and voiced a concern, and gave my opinion of the new version, which sucks without tab stacking, I don't need to be insulted for it. So now the thread goes off topic because someone has a thin skin, who was not even personally addressed.Yes, the removal of an awesome feature that makes me more productive is a disaster in my opinion, it makes opera no more useful to me than Firefox or Chrome. Is it against the rules to post one's opinion in a forum? I did so because I too am concerned with the direction that Opera is taking.
Think I will leave the forum now, it's been fun sorry some of you have no life ...:rolleyes:
Thanks again @Luxor - enjoy your pipe.
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by blackjack93117:
Here we go - just what I expected.
To avoid getting flamed, don't post flame-bait. Use a descriptive thread title, not one that insults everyone's intelligence.
Instead of: Tab stacking gone are you kidding me? Latest Opera is a disaster how can I downgrade to 12.16?
How About? Is There a Way to Enable Tab-stacking in Opera 17?
Instead of:
Originally posted by blackjack93117:
There should be a special jail or place in hell for any software company that "upgrades" software and removes legacy features !
If there is no tab-stacking in Opera 17, I need to downgrade to Opera 12.16. Where can I download it?
blackjack93117 last edited by
uh that's ok thanks.
I'm an outraged human being and I am expressing outrage.
What's with the speech suppression Nazis in here?The posts are more about how to say things than about answering the question. I haven't been told how to talk since I was three years old.
You want to tell me how to talk and I will tell you how to shutup.
How about I express myself as I please and you sensitive nit-picky little busybodies go find a thread where you can tell each other how to talk and dehumanize each other? WTF?Now here is my opinion, expressed in the way that I express things:
"There should be a special jail or place in hell for any software company that "upgrades" software and removes legacy features !"And I will stand by that. Is that a problem for you?
You sir, or madame are contributing more to flaming than if you had said nothing and I don't care how many posts you have.
So next time, just say nothing and MYOB unless you have something to contribute to the topic. How about that?Yikes!
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by blackjack93117:
I haven't been told how to talk since I was three years old.
That explains a lot.
It's never too late to learn.
farsanbalooo last edited by
I just wanted to support blackjack93117 in the (initial) statement (of this thread) about Opera 18 . Having been an Opera advocate for years, using Opera 18 is fills me with sorrow. Nothing of what made Opera a great browser is left. No tab stacking, no cycling through latest visited tabs using Ctrl-Tab/Shift-Ctrl-Tab, no menu bar, and unless it's hidden somewhere that I just haven't found yet ,also no sessions. What on earth has the development management been thinking of, REMOVING all of those great features???
If this is the path Opera intends to follow, well, then it's good bye. -
A Former User last edited by
Originally posted by farsanbalooo:
no cycling through latest visited tabs using Ctrl-Tab/Shift-Ctrl-Tab
Type "opera:flags" in the URL field to enable this experimental setting for tab cycling in last used order.
It is more constructive to read some threads first before posting, then add some comments in appropriate wish-list threads. Or, post some constructive feedback in the Desktop Team Blog.
Leave out all the whining such: βWhat on earth has the development management been thinking of, REMOVING all of those great features?β
Had you done some reading first, you would know that they haven't removed them. They were never there from the start of Opera 15. They are slowly adding back essential features. The much maligned tab-stacking feature is not essential, but I find it useful.