Opera on iOS Speed Dial - has cool feature on the keyboard used for editing Speed Dial items
polocanada last edited by
When you open Speed Dial item to Edit it on Opera iOS, you can notice a really cool feature on the keyboard, top middle, there is a toggle, when you touch toggle, the toggle becomes a slider and you can use that to move the cursor.
This is something Apple and Android should have implemented ages ago, I am not really fond of using the touch screen to move the cursor precisely in the location I want to edit, although, I have to admit iOS is way better with the bubble than Android using the sliders.
I am wondering how new Blackberry works, but from my understanding you can just slide your finger through the keys on the keyboard to get where you want, which is even better.
Opera's approach is a compromise but much easier to use than iOS and Android. I haven't seen anything like this before, I just liked it and found it very useful, so I decided to share.
](http://tinypic.com?ref=2yukmbm" target="_blank)
polocanada last edited by
oh, dear, I just posted like if it discovered the earth is round. It's standard in keyboard in Opera. Anyways, it's a great idea and I am happy