Opera Disconnects Internet Connection.
newtechguy last edited by
Hey joshl thanks for responding.
I have ASUS desktop with windows 8.1 (64 Bit). I have a 25 Mb/s internet connection and I just upgraded to the latest Opera version 3 days ago. I upgraded opera to see if it would solve the issue of it cutting off my internet connection.
True to form... I was online today doing things with no problems until I started up Opera... the second I did that I lost my internet connection. This is just the way it is with Opera. I experience no issues UNTIL I start Opera.
Thanks so much for your reply.
lando242 last edited by
When you say 'lost' it would help if you describe exactly what you mean. What error messages do you get? What does the Windows Network and Sharing Center say? Do other apps still have the ability to access the internet when this happens? What kind of connection are you using? That kind of stuff.
newtechguy last edited by
Thanks again for responding. When I say "Lost" I mean that I can't access the internet using my wireless computer. The connection gets "cut-off". Yet when this happens my wife can still access the internet using her wireless desktop computer. On top of that our Vizio Smart TV & our Galaxy Tablet still have internet access.
When this happens I receive no messages whatsoever... none... My internet connection just stops unexpectedly using Opera... or gets cut off... If I'm trying to access a web page it just won't load. Then I get that general system message saying that the page might not be available or may have changed addresses and also to check my internet connection.
When I have no internet access I always run the Microsoft Trouble shooter by "right-clicking" on my internet connection icon and choosing Troubleshoot Problems. It will repair it everytime and then provide me with a message when it's done that says it "Reset" the network adapter. When the trouble shooter runs I just watch it go through the steps it needs to figure out what is wrong... and each time it cuts the power to (resets) my wireless D-Link internet Stick. After that I have my internet connection back until it stops again... sometimes as soon as 30 seconds.
If I stop using Opera and use Firefox or IE I never lose my internet connection.
I just thought of something... maybe I should check for updates to my D-Link wireless network adapter.
newtechguy last edited by
So I just checked for drivers at the D-Link website and the latest driver update release for my internet stick is dated for 2008... so apparently I have the latest driver.
lando242 last edited by
So the wireless stick is at least 7 years old and was probably designed for Windows XP/Vista. Thats older than Chrome too, which is what Opera is now based on. Install Chrome real fast and see if it causes the same problems. If it does I'd say its time to replace the wireless dongle. If it doesn't it might just be some weird fluke problem with Opera.
newtechguy last edited by
Hey thanks... that sounds like a good idea to try. I'll install Chrome tomorrow as I'm busy ripping up a floor tonight. The wireless stick is about 5 years old but it doesn't matter cause if the driver is 7 tears old then that's getting pretty ancient in the tech world.
Thanks again for all of your suggestions. I'll let ya know how things work out.
lokkju last edited by
I have the very same problem. I always liked Opera but ever since they switched to WebKit it is simply not the same.
And now, among other issues, it DOES mess up the internet connection. Pages sudenly stop loading and shortly after entire traffic on my PC is down, not only WWW. Everything. Then I need to wait a bit or restart the router. During down time, other devices work normally.
It almost seems like Opera forces Windows to think that IP lease expired and forces it to renew it (but without rush). It happens in random intervals.
Do not listen to the chap saying it's drivers issues. It is not. If it was then there would be a global problem with connectivity. Tested. Other browsers or services work absolutely fine. Thas stops quickly once I launch Opera. It goes back to normal when I stop using Opera either by shutting it down or simply leaving it alone and not (re)loading any page (or by killing it with frustration).
I must admit that I have not tested it with Chrome. If anyone does, post the findings here please. I hate Chrome with passion therefore noone will talk me into testing it. I rather switch to Firefox. Unless this bug gets fixed.
Regards. -
greghar last edited by
Same problem for me! Using an Alienware R3 laptop running Windows 10 with all drivers updated. Chrome works fine for me but after a few minutes running the Opera browser I lose its Internet connection, even with Chrome still running in the background. I checked my Windows firewall and looks good there as Opera is listed for both public and private and its set as my default browser.
Any help in this matter would be appreciated.
abhi-sar last edited by
I face the same problem intermittently. Internet is on in other browsers including Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers but off only in Opera (I'm using the latest 64 bit beta version). After a day or so, the problem goes away automatically and connection is back in Opera. The problem then reoccurs at some other time.