Missing Video/Graphic - NYTimes Web Site Opera 12.17
bbildman last edited by
About half way down the page, there used to be a large graphic representing a vido of the day. Now that huge block is missing and replaced by a large white block.
The video DOES appear in IE and Opera 27, but I use 12.17 mostly.
What has happened?
blackbird71 last edited by
I get the same response (blank white area) with Opera 12.14. My guess is that NYT changed their related site code and/or video player to something not compatible with Olde Opera.
lando242 last edited by
Works fine here. Its a link that starts playing a flash video if you click it.
bbildman last edited by
lando, works fine with O12 - or O28??
Because in my O12.17, there is NOTHING there but a blank space that is not clickable
lando242 last edited by
Sorry, I use Opera 29. I forgot to make that clear. As blackbird71 said, and I'm inclined to agree, their site has probably updated to code that doesn't work with old versions of Opera.
rseiler last edited by
The problem with NYT is a little larger than the above issue. About a year ago (maybe a little longer), they underwent a design change that caused Opera to consistently use around 25% CPU just by virtue of having any page on the site open in Opera 12.
You don't see it happen right away--it only kicks in some minutes after a page is loaded (15? 30? I don't recall now). The only way that I found to stop it from happening, short of refreshing the page (which is just a temporary measure), is to keep JS disabled site-wide.
Of course, that breaks things like slideshows, but you can still read almost all articles just fine. Since I usually have pages from the site open all day long (things waiting to be read), it was the only way to go.
If someone happens to be very up on advanced JS and knows what kicks in on their site that does this to Opera, I'd be happy to know. Perhaps it's something that can be prevented with urlfilter.ini--but I doubt it. It's probably the nature of the site now.