[Duplicated]Dark Mode
applepiefrost last edited by
@xanaddams exactly what I was looking for as well.
I enjoy using Opera Air during the day on my work computer, but at night when everything is dark, I really just want everything to be in dark mode. It's not take take away from feeling positive and optimistic, it's about feeling cozy and "off the job".
smcrockett last edited by
Adding my request for a Dark Theme. My eyes have a sensitive issues with white backgrounds, so a dark theme is mandatory for me.
Not uninstalling, but it's not something I'll be able to use until I can change page backgrounds. -
jmckenzie last edited by
@mohamedsalah - light colors are very hard for my eyes to read, so this generalization that they are "more positive and optimistic" is not super inclusive of people with vision problems. I tried using the 3rd party dark mode extension, but it was too buggy. I'm loving Opera Air so far, but really need a dark theme to be sustainable for long term use. Otherwise I'll probably have to go back to Firefox.
luridfox last edited by
@mohamedsalah A Dark mode is badly needed. How is it a fact that light colors help being more positive and optimistic. I am sure many users agrees that without dark mode they will not use this browser. I will have to check back later and see if it is added.
applepiefrost last edited by
I gave it an honest shot for 2 weeks, but I've gone back to Chrome now. Not having an actual dark mode is just too much of an inconvenience that I don't want to use the browser. A shame, because I like the music features and built-in WhatsApp/Messenger, but not enough to be looking at white all the time.
AkoreJapede last edited by
I would also luv to see a dark mode option added. Maybe a "dark mode" that has mindfulness effects incorporated into it in keep with the theme of Opera Air?