Enjoying Most of the New Update - There are a few Snags Though.
sinistersh0t last edited by leocg
So far I'm enjoying the latest Opera GX Overhaul Update, while I had become quite fond of the Look of GX that has existed for quite some time now, the new changes are pretty good, not perfect but nice. The new options for altering the look and feel of the browser are also a welcome step-up from what we had previously.
There are some issues though, for instance while the new options for Mods like being able to change Icons, Splash Screens and fonts are very much welcome additions to have, it is a shame that a lot of my past mods are no longer compatible anymore. Whether they get updated in the future by the users that created them I'm not sure but I hope they are so I may use them once more.
I do appreciate the step-up in performance & stability the browser has gotten as in the past having multiple mods as well as extensions could be very taxing to the overall speed and responsiveness of the browser, but it has not resolved those issues completely. I still get some jitters and sluggishness from time to time but not as severe as before, but shaders are still the most taxing issue, even having just one enabled can take a hit on browser performance which sucks but a bigger issue is some mods now freeze over a "GPU Error".
Now I've checked and reinstalled my Nvidia RTX 3090's GPU's Firmware and Drivers Twice Now, and rolled the browser back and forth from the new update to the old and then back again to the new overhaul, this error was not occuring on the older version of GX so I hope this problem can be resolved and the overall efficiency of mods and extensions is further improved upon in future updates.
Finally, a nitpick, before on the Old GX Browser UI, all my bookmarks fit neatly at the top of the page, But I'm guessing in the new update the font or spacing between bookmarks changed just a smidge but enough for about eight of them to slip into the hidden bookmarks tab of the browser which kinda sucks, would be nice to change that at least back to how it was in the previous itteration of Opera GX, Still, that's a personal nitpick.
- Feature Request:
One feature for GX Mods that I have wanted for a long time is to be able to select multiple mods with the Background Music Option, We Can Select Multiple "Web Modding" so I think this should be the same for Music as well, so that we can have a playlist that randomizes what you hear each time Opera GX is Launched. So I hope that request for Background Music Playlist can be achieved one day, It's the not the biggest deal to go into GX Mods and manually change the music, but it would be easier overall to just have a playlist.
As a whole I think this update did a lot of good changes, just some teething issues that need addressing.
- Feature Request: