I can't run Opera GX at my background and no settings to change it.
Patronez last edited by leocg
I can't run Opera GX at my background and no settings to change it.
Hello. For example i want to play a game and at the same time i want to listen to music from Youtube at operagx. But it's impossible. Whenever i start to play the game my youtube video freezes. It clearly cannot run on background. Meanwhile it reduces the video quality and tries to load when at background. I think my pc doesn't allow opera to run in the background. I couldn't find any settings to allow opera to run at the background, same with windows 11 settings too. How can i allow it or is it possible.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Don't know if it'll help, but you can try all or some of following:
Make sure you're not using any limiters in the GX Control panel.
Make sure the battery saver is off at the URL
.Make sure RGX is off at the URL
.Make sure Opera's adblocking and tracking protection is completely disabled at the URL
. It can cause Youtube to purposely make things slow. Use uBlock Origin instead and read the Youtube sticky thread at https://reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/ if you have any issues with Youtube.Make sure "Snooze inactive tabs to save memory" is disabled at the URL
, install https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/disable-automatic-tab-dis/dnhngfnfolbmhgealdpolmhimnoliiok and disable the "Calculate window occlusion on Windows" flag at the URLopera://flags/#calculate-native-win-occlusion
.Make sure "Use graphics acceleration when available" is on at the URL
and then adjust the Angle flag for your GPU.If all that doesn't help, you can try disabling the "Hardware-accelerated video decode" flag at the URL
while watching Youtube in Opera while gaming to see how things go. If that doesn't help, you can enable the flag again and test with "Use graphics acceleration when available" disabled at the URLopera://settings/system
to see how things work with Youtube while gaming.If you have more than one GPU on your system, you can set Opera to use the slower GPU that you don't use for gaming. In settings in Windows, goto System -> Display -> Graphics, add Opera GX to the list and change its options to use the GPU you want. Or, the other way around, if Opera is using the slower GPU by default, you can make it use the better one to give Opera more performance so that Youtube plays better. You'll have to test how that interferes with your game performance if any.
If you normally use Opera GX's CPU limiter while gaming, consider doing it on the "Details" tab in the Windows task manager instead. You can right-click on an opera.exe process, choose "set affinity" and select only a single core like "core 5" for example that the game you're using might not make much use of. You can do that for all opera.exe processes if you start Opera GX like this.
You can also disable any extensions and mods in Opera while you're gaming.
You could have a standalone installation of Opera GX to use to play Youtube just while gaming and do all the tweaks to just that standalone installation.