Allow to avoid opening menu when pressing ALT key
jas12 last edited by leocg
This issue happens in many other modern webapps too. Opera Team, please give the users an option to re-map or disable this key. The "Alt" key opening the Context Menu from top-left is very annoying and hinders with custom hotkeys of other web-apps.
Our entire company and all our clients have shifted to other browsers just because of this issue.
The "Open main menu" in "Keyboard shortcuts" already provides a shortcut key to access this Menu. There is no need to map a single-click "Alt" key to this Menu.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
As a workaround, see That method might work for the Alt key too. Didn't test though.
jas12 last edited by jas12
@burnout426 - i already tried it. It didnt work for "Alt". Opera should give an option to disable the shortcut keys for such things which people almost never use.
In the last 5+ yrs i have never heard of anyone using "Alt" Menu or "F1" Help of Opera. I am repeating (and requesting) this again, its high time Opera should remove these hotkeys (shortcut keys).
Its more of a nuisance than a useful feature.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 ; Disable F1 key only when Opera is the active window #HotIf WinActive("ahk_exe opera.exe") F1::return Alt::return #HotIf
That works for me on Windows 11 to block alt and F1 only in Opera. Tested with both Opera and Opera GX.
Edit: Never mind. It doesn't work for alt. Had to take focus off the address field after startup to really test.
jas12 last edited by jas12
@burnout426 -
Yes. Thats right. But we have our own AHK hotkey mappings for many modern web-apps, like example, if we press a certain key on keyboard, our AHK script fires "Alt+T", "Alt+G" etc.And these "Alt" based shortcuts are already set in websites/apps, hence we cannot change them. Hence we have created customized AHK key-mappings (based on our client preferences) which send these "Alt" shortcuts.
So even after we block Alt/F1 using your above script, the "Alt Menu" and "F1" still gets triggered when our AHK script
sends "Alt+T", "Alt+G" etc. -
jas12 last edited by
@burnout426 - This issue was not happening for so many years, but after an update in 2023, this issue started happening.
Keyboard shortcuts in modern web-apps are working fine in all other Browsers.
Requesting Opera team to please analyze and solve this annoying issue.