How do I force enable extensions, or addons so that I can't disable them?
EvictedGriffin01 last edited by
Hi, I am trying to find a way to force enable extensions or ways to block websites since i have no self control. if there is anyway somebody that can help me make sure I don't succum to not having self control. it'd be much appreciated. I notice there is a developer mode where i can program in stuff. is there a way I could block the extension site so i couldn't pop it up and just POP disable extension, POP enable extension.
TKTK2001 last edited by
Not sure if this is what you need, but if you want a website blocker that is always tuned on, you could try "Cold Turky Blocker". It is an external app that closes the browser when you disable the web blocking extension. It is hard to delete if the blocking is active. It also blocks other browsers. You can set requirements to change the block-list for example like "only at 4am" , " "in 1 week". Theres a free and a payed version. Lately it makes opera crash about twice a day, but it is sill worth it. And maybe it will work better for you.