Malvertising constantly popping up
AncientOldFart last edited by
Multiple times a day I get this obvious attempt to buy something I have never used despite what it claims...!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@ancientoldfart I would start by disabling all extensions and mods
AncientOldFart last edited by
@leocg Thanks for your reply. I've done some deeper research into this and found it to be a phishing attack by infected web sites. It does not reside on my device since I have never clicked on anything that would infect me. This is further supported by the fact that none of my other browsers suffer from the same symptoms, only my Opera GSX. It also seems to be linked to one website I use for news feeds (usnewson) since I cut my satellite service. The URL that pops up is®ion=Minnesota&city=Saint%20Paul&isp=Minnesota%20Research%20and%20Education%20Network%20Inc.&lang=en&os=Windows%2010&osv=&browser=Chrome&browserv=121&brand=Desktop&model=Desktop&marketing_name=Desktop&tablet=4&rheight=768&rwidth=768&e=5
which has been linked to a known bad actor named scampatrol which has infected several major news organizations among others.
I've investigated potential resolutions which all point to how to clean the end user's device. However, I already use these services, in particular Malwarebytes, and find nothing resident on my computers. I have two media devices that I use daily that have exhibited this phishing malware on Opera and usnewson exclusively. I have not seen this happen on any other computer in my home network.
My question now is "how to escalate this problem which is well documented to a responsible entity?"
AncientOldFart last edited by
@leocg Correction to my last message, it is scamclub that has been linked to this phishing attack:
And apparently originally found on cell phones (mobile devices).
I didn't mention it, but I did attempt to follow your suggestions, but without success (could be operator error).