99 problems
xen32 last edited by
Ok, so my 'heart' icon does not work. I want to bookmark a page, I click heart and nothing happens. Nothing. It worked a few times when I installed 26, but now it does not.
Every time I watch a video, like youtube and similar services, if I switch to other tab and back, I lose control of player window. Nothing happens when I click. Until I minimize whole browser and maximize window again.
I can't remove default search keywords, no matter how hard I try. There is very limited supply of single letter keywords, why do you have to take them away with some useless search engines?
I can not disable "x" to close tab anymore. I am too used to close with middle click and switch tabs by clicking anywhere.
Why can't I reassign keyboard shortcuts anymore?
Will sidebar ever make a comeback? Clicking new tab, then stash, then bookmark, then repeating this again for each page is too time consuming. Especially considering that you could open sidebar just by draging mouse in general left direction and clicking, no precision needed, without thinking. Now you have to click that small "+" t open new tab, and that plus can be anywhere, depending on number of tabs opened, then you have to aim for stash... Not even to mention that you could open new tabs by middle clicking on any free space before.
I can't find a way to autoreload speed dial pages anymore. Was a nice way to find out if something new was added without visiting page or installing annoying extensions.
Guys, this is a stright downgrade from version from 2 years ago.
lando242 last edited by
Ok, so my 'heart' icon does not work.
Interesting. And you have the latest version of Opera? That should be working. At least I have no problems here.
Every time I watch a video, like youtube and similar services,
Some people have this issue. I would install the Magic Actions for YouTube extension. In its options you can force it to use the HTML5 player, which will solve your problem. I think you might also fix the problem buy uninstalling flash and installing the 'ppapi' version but I'm not 100% sure on that.
I can't remove default search keywords, no matter how hard I try.
Its a known issue and the devs might fix it in the future. Basically they have locked those engines up because malware likes to take over people search engines and this is a way to combat it. I'm a computer tech and I can vouch for the reasoning, if not the execution. Basically you need to go into Program Files (x86)\Opera(your version number)\resources and find the 'default_partner_content.json' file and edit it. Unfortunately this file is replaced with every update of Opera, so you will need to keep a copy of your edited version and revert it after every update. A horrible cludge I know, but thats all there is right now. This will hopefully change in the future.
I can not disable "x" to close tab anymore.
Thats how it is for now. Might change in the future but there hasn't been an announcement for it yet so don't hold your breath.
Why can't I reassign keyboard shortcuts anymore?
See above.
Will sidebar ever make a comeback?
No. A definitive and resounding no. The devs have made it very clear that its not coming back. Sorry. You keep mentioning the stash, which has been removed from newer version of Opera IIRC (I'm up in the dev channel so I can't say for the latest stable release). All I can say is Opera 27 (dev channel) has much better bookmarks support than pervious versions so you might give that a try if you don't want to wait for it. It is coming though.
I can't find a way to autoreload speed dial pages anymore.
Yup. Gotta right click the tile and click reload to see a new image for it. Sorry.
Guys, this is a stright downgrade from version from 2 years ago.
If you'd have kept up you would have seen that its a completely different program. The Presto version of Opera is dead and completely abandoned. The new version is based on Blink (Chromium) and is completely new software from the ground up. They didn't just change the interface, they changed everything. Its a completely different program and shares no code. That said progress has been pretty swift. Version 15 (the first Blink version) ran fine but was basically barren of any features at all. They've been adding new features at a pretty good pace for the last 20 months or so and have made a lot of progress, but 20 months is a lot less time then the 17 years they were working on the previous version.
xen32 last edited by
Interesting. And you have the latest version of Opera? That should be working. At least I have no problems here.
Yes, I downloaded and installed latest version yesterday just before writing this post, just to be sure that these are not fixed yet.
Some people have this issue. I would install the Magic Actions for YouTube extension. In its options you can force it to use the HTML5 player, which will solve your problem. I think you might also fix the problem buy uninstalling flash and installing the 'ppapi' version but I'm not 100% sure on that.
Problem is not with youtube only. I will try other flash version, thanks.
And will try dev version.
alobpreis last edited by
I have the same problem with Youtube. It's usually like this:
Open a video in a new tab.
Open another tab with anything else.
Close this last tab and the Youtube tab becomes active.
The flash object doesn't respond. If I click on the tab name on top, then the video responds to clicking.I already have Magic Actions. I tried disabling it but it didn't work.