2 Workspaces Disappeared After Enabling Sync
IanWaldrop06 last edited by
I turned on "sync everything" then restarted Opera. 2 workspaces are now gone. Is there any way to get them back, and/or prevent this from happening again?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Syncing settings doesn't work well with syncing workspaces unless the workspaces are exactly the same and in the same order in both Operas. Also, syncing tabs isn't workspace-aware.
So, I would avoid syncing settings.
IanWaldrop06 last edited by
@burnout426 Thanks, I appreciate that. I turned everything off except for bookmarks and history and that seems to be working better.
mhaeusser last edited by
The same thing happened to me. Two workspaces are gone. Is there a way to restore the tabs?
IanWaldrop06 last edited by
@mhaeusser Not that I found, maybe you could try looking in your history? Like I said above, I just turned sync off for tabs unfortunately.