how do i do a password reset for my opera account
joey198733 last edited by
how do i do a password reset for my opera account bc I can't remember my old 1????????????
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
Goto, enter your email address, click continue and then click forgot password.
EliasSantiago last edited by
@burnout426 Can't since in the Opera account it shows "We were unable to send a verification link to you possibly due to address being invalid. Plese provide a valid one."
When I try to change it, requests password (that I do not know). I login with my Google account (which is the same email that Opera Accounts says is invalid address). And I also have two factor authenticator. I can't remove the Google link or update the email or Opera Account password since I have tried all the known ways to change the account password, but they requiere the old password (which I forgotten).
I even sent an email to operasupport a long while ago to delete my account to start again, but never got a response.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@eliassantiago Did you try the option to login using your Google account?