Why can't you retain workspaces?
shelluser last edited by
So, I don't use all too many added features because the browser works pretty good without all those - in my opinion - distractions.
At the time of writing I'm writing a rather extensive Steam guide and during some writing and research I found myself both in need of a break, but also with 6 or 8 tabs open (spread across 2 - 3 islands). Love the island feature btw, it makes it easier to keep an overview.
Took a quick break, decided to pause my efforts and wanted to check a newssite but... that got cluttered so I tried workspaces.
With all due respect, but it seems rather pointless to me. I was hoping that these workspaces could retain, even if you closed Opera, but that's obviously not the case.
Which means that it's much easier to simply press Ctrl + N to open a new window and do my temporary browsing there after which I close said window and go back to my guide endeavours.
As such my question / suggestion (?) => why can't we keep and/or save whole workspaces? So that you can pick up on them at a later time?
I mean... it's called a work -space, and work is more than often not something that you do in one single session.
Thanks for reading!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shelluser Workspaces should be kept between sessions. If it's not happening, then there is a bug or something is not being done correctly.
shelluser last edited by
@leocg The workspaces themselves retain, but not their contents.
I am aware of the startup settings and I specifically disabled the "retain tabs from previous sessions" because under normal circumstances this merely clutters up my session: when I start a browser I want to start out fresh.
However, being able to retain one dedicated selection of tabs through the use of a workspace would get you the best of both worlds. Yet things don't work this way: either you retain all tabs (which, IMO, once again makes the use of workspaces kinda obsolete: I'd rather open a new window to browser, do my stuff, then close all tabs in there to also close the window).
Hmm, maybe I should post this into a suggestions forum
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@shelluser Since you chose to start with a totally new session, Opera is doing what you decided and are not remembering opened tabs from previous session.