[Request] bookmark/pin file location and better search
rangjung last edited by
As someone who uses bookmark feature often and folders to categorize them for future reference. I often have multiple pages from the same site E.g. reddit or YouTube. that are in different folder categories.
So while the search bar in bookmarks mini or full view is useful it would be very helpful if you could:
1. Right click to open file location in bookmarks
2. Target search so that only bookmarks from the selected folder/pinboard populate or from all bookmarks/pins if no specific folder/pinboard is selected.These additions would not require the creation or investment of new infrastructure in a significant way to implement as all the resources necessary already exist.
Other top competing browsers such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox have either one or both functionalities within their base functions with no extensions/additions required.
More users as well as new users most likely use bookmarks due to familiarity as appose to the the learning curve required for pinboards, which could use a search bar within each pinboard for each pin as well, not just the searchbar for pinboards to remain consistent with UX.
Functionality for familiar tools would also serve as segway into growing accustomed to and using GX exclusive tools.Example in Edge
Hope that made sense, Thanks!