[Solved]can't access twitter from opera mini.
mbaluta last edited by
Hi, thanks for letting us know. We will try to resolve this quickly. If you have Android I recommend you used Opera browser for Android. If you use Opera Mini for iOS I recommend you switched to Opera Turbo mode or disable compression in Main menu -> Savings settings.
dimakey84 last edited by
now that I've upgraded my opera mini, I can't access twitter. very disappointing. pls fix.
narayanassd last edited by
i cant access my Twitter account !! im getting this error mesg :connection failed Problem reading from server"
marioxp5 last edited by
I'm having the same problem, I can't access mobile.twitter.com from opera mini and it redirects me to the android app which is horrible it crashes all the time. I hope you can solve this soon.
veraleighlasambergtun last edited by
Thanks for the reports. We're working with Twitter to fix this issue as soon as possible. Stay tuned.
skepdude last edited by
facing same problem. can't access mobile twitter website. redirects to twitter app
fix it asap!!
hardpenguin13 last edited by
The problem is still present. I use Opera Mini on Symbian Belle, Nokia 500. I hope this will get fixed server-side!
dindaputri-87 last edited by
still can't access twitter from opera mini... redirects to 'twitter for android'
please fix it
veraleighlasambergtun last edited by
Thanks to your reports, it's now fixed: You can open Twitter on Opera Mini again.
zia9star last edited by
i cant login twitter by useing opera mini 7(sis).
Its showing sign in again and again. When i write my urername and password thend its showin again... Login or Signup.Please help...
idevilsome last edited by
Some problem, i can't open twitter from opera mini android since march 6 2015 with error message " unable to connect, please review your network setting".
When i check network test, nothing problem, i can access facebook, google, and other website without problem.
Please fixSorry, my english bad
Thank's before -
prisoneroffaith last edited by
Please I urgently need help I canβt load Facebook and Twitter account on my opera mini And it usually shows connection failed Unable to connect to the server and I have sent an email to opera mini And nothing is done to it