A general post in the general section, maybe it's allowed here!
gonefishin last edited by
Opera's spell check function hasn't worked with Outlook email for months. I think Microsoft broke it by making the mouse right click function bring up email writing options instead of the spell check words.
Although Opera browser still highlights spelling mistakes there's no way to correct them. This has been a known fault for at least two updates yet remains unfixed. Edge browser has made the mouse left click button work for spelling corrections, why hasn't Opera?
Now this new Opera One brings yet more issues which no one asked for or wanted like the start page button removal. It's crammed with bloatware AI stuff which I suspect most don't use, especially as it requires a log in. The sidebar which again most likely don't use, tab islands - you guessed it, no wants or uses etc etc.
Visually it looks bad. The settings are way too many and most totally superfluous. Pages take too long to load, some sites don't work at all with Opera when they do with other browsers. All in all Opera has become a glitchy, poor performing, pita.
After a decade plus it's sadly time to move to Chrome, Firefox or perish the thought Edge. Yes they all have their own issues and are overblown but the point is Opera was meant to be a cleaner cut alternative.
Sorry Opera, you've gone in the wrong direction and need a complete rethink/overhaul. Sadly you're leaving folk no choice but to go elsewhere in the meantime.