Personal backgrounds Yet Again Not Showing
aam2018 last edited by
Come on Opera you're better than this. Personal wallpapers will not show but the built-in Opera ones display fine. They were working for the last few days and now they don't.
aam2018 last edited by
@aam2018 More info: Latest update. Personalized wallpapers will not show but display in the settings panel. Opera wallpapers work fine even the animated ones. I got two personal that will show but before they work I have to click on a Opera wallpaper first. Any other personal wallpaper only makes the speed dials lighter or darker. I could probably reset it, that's how I fixed it the last time but I don't want to have to do that every time. I shouldn't have to.
aam2018 last edited by
It started happening again. Opera One is really missed up on my system for some reason so I'm switching browsers. To Opera GX, until another update screws it up anyway. Then screw this, it's Firefox.
aam2018 last edited by
OK. After some trial and error, I discovered why some of my wallpapers were not showing. That is there was a bracket in the name (). When you rename a bunch of files all at once, with the same name, Windows will put a number in a bracket after each name. For example image(1).jpg, Image(2).jpg and so on. When I remove the brackets from the image name they seem to work fine. Even though this wasn't an issue before. I'm still sticking with Opera GX from Opera One as my default. This same issue appears in Opera GX.