Movies, movie bloopers, and stuff about Film industry
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Comedy, 'Lucy' was the best american comedy seen over the past few years and I really mean that. :norris:
A Former User last edited by
A horror movie, opening scene:
Oh, honey, I might have invited a few guys, but it's gonna be fine, I promise! We're gonna be abducted by aliens, so either we'll have a couple of more hands to fight somehow - or a couple of other guys to get abducted instead if we're lucky! I promise!
Deleted User last edited by
An interesting Russian movie via YouTube titled: The fall of an empire--the Lesson of Byzantium. It's a bit propagandish but still the history is interesting. You can find it here:
I love the Russian film titled Ostrovul ( Insula 2006 )... that is: The Island. Here is the YouTube film with English subtitles:
I see my links are disabled so just go to YouTube and do a search for both titles. Sorry about that.
A Former User last edited by
Watching Phantasm. Half an hour already - not scary so far at all...
Nice car, though...Dreams-not dreams, huh?
Watched "Brainscan" yesterday... :rolleyes:
Who knows good horror movies - about demons and shit?
Like totally paranormal? I don't like butchery at all. -
A Former User last edited by
Ring I watched, both. O'k, not brilliant.
The first one - what's the setting?
linuxmint7 last edited by
The first one - what's the setting?
Copied and pasted from IMDB.
A loan officer who evicts an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse. Desperate, she turns to a seer (a person that sees) to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point.
Oh, the original 'Carrie' (1976) is a pretty good one too.
A Former User last edited by
Watch Paranormal Activity (1,2,3,4).
A loan officer who evicts an old woman...
Ah, watched.
Too much puking, IIRC.Has anybody seen Fragile? That's spooky*
* :devil:
A Former User last edited by
Just watched Horns.
I always try to watch the final titles - kinda habit. Usually it's worth it... This time it felt right. -
Deleted User last edited by
New bet: How many times the word 'democracy' will appear (written and/or spoken) in next Star Wars movie? 150 bucks on x4 times.
Oh, and cantina will be played by a fairy or a guy with wings or a chick without breasts. There Is No
Paradise on Disney, Dudes! The dudeist guy spoken! Wa-ha-ha. -
A Former User last edited by
Who watched something interesting recently? Share your thoughts and experience*;)*
Deleted User last edited by
"Clear history" best comedy seen lately, hard to find a good one these days. Woody's genre without Woody Allen, feels weird. Who is Greg Mottola? :sherlock:
Deleted User last edited by
What are the (only) 5 things from Hungary for which I'm the most thankful? 1 Polgar sisters 2 örkény istván 3"Kontroll" (movie). Still waiting to fill up my top five eventually with another two movies. My Top Five doesn't have six places.
A Former User last edited by
No, comedy is not my cup of tea. Sometimes - only if the film has an additional category or is a gem.
For me, one good thing from Hungary is Hungary Games:lol:
Deleted User last edited by
Then you got a ticket to Kontroll, sort of hungarian Donnie Darko without the plane and no God.