Movies, movie bloopers, and stuff about Film industry
A Former User last edited by
A horror movie, opening scene:
Oh, honey, I might have invited a few guys, but it's gonna be fine, I promise! We're gonna be abducted by aliens, so either we'll have a couple of more hands to fight somehow - or a couple of other guys to get abducted instead if we're lucky! I promise!
Deleted User last edited by
An interesting Russian movie via YouTube titled: The fall of an empire--the Lesson of Byzantium. It's a bit propagandish but still the history is interesting. You can find it here:
I love the Russian film titled Ostrovul ( Insula 2006 )... that is: The Island. Here is the YouTube film with English subtitles:
I see my links are disabled so just go to YouTube and do a search for both titles. Sorry about that.
A Former User last edited by
Watching Phantasm. Half an hour already - not scary so far at all...
Nice car, though...Dreams-not dreams, huh?
Watched "Brainscan" yesterday... :rolleyes:
Who knows good horror movies - about demons and shit?
Like totally paranormal? I don't like butchery at all. -
A Former User last edited by
Ring I watched, both. O'k, not brilliant.
The first one - what's the setting?
linuxmint7 last edited by
The first one - what's the setting?
Copied and pasted from IMDB.
A loan officer who evicts an old woman from her home finds herself the recipient of a supernatural curse. Desperate, she turns to a seer (a person that sees) to try and save her soul, while evil forces work to push her to a breaking point.
Oh, the original 'Carrie' (1976) is a pretty good one too.
A Former User last edited by
Watch Paranormal Activity (1,2,3,4).
A loan officer who evicts an old woman...
Ah, watched.
Too much puking, IIRC.Has anybody seen Fragile? That's spooky*
* :devil:
A Former User last edited by
Just watched Horns.
I always try to watch the final titles - kinda habit. Usually it's worth it... This time it felt right. -
Deleted User last edited by
New bet: How many times the word 'democracy' will appear (written and/or spoken) in next Star Wars movie? 150 bucks on x4 times.
Oh, and cantina will be played by a fairy or a guy with wings or a chick without breasts. There Is No
Paradise on Disney, Dudes! The dudeist guy spoken! Wa-ha-ha. -
A Former User last edited by
Who watched something interesting recently? Share your thoughts and experience*;)*
Deleted User last edited by
"Clear history" best comedy seen lately, hard to find a good one these days. Woody's genre without Woody Allen, feels weird. Who is Greg Mottola? :sherlock:
Deleted User last edited by
What are the (only) 5 things from Hungary for which I'm the most thankful? 1 Polgar sisters 2 ΓΆrkΓ©ny istvΓ‘n 3"Kontroll" (movie). Still waiting to fill up my top five eventually with another two movies. My Top Five doesn't have six places.
A Former User last edited by
No, comedy is not my cup of tea. Sometimes - only if the film has an additional category or is a gem.
For me, one good thing from Hungary is Hungary Games:lol:
Deleted User last edited by
Then you got a ticket to Kontroll, sort of hungarian Donnie Darko without the plane and no God.
A Former User last edited by
I noticed a Darkman on a site yesterday - some sort of artificial skin involved. Is that it maybe?So, what do you like except comedy?
I've got to horror for some time now. It is actually quite reassuring when you're not in love with the outside world. -
A Former User last edited by
Funny thing about Liam Neeson - he can't survive any movie he's in.
Star Wars? Killed in action. He dies in The Grey. Now he Ran All Night and couldn't do it to the final titles...
A professional dyer, would I say?
Great actor. -
sophiedjenko last edited by
I love movies and I like to experiment with different language movies. Since last month I was into south Indian movies. I must say that they have a different taste of movies and Bollywood is actually getting inspired a lot from south movies. Yesterday I saw Dulqer Salman's movie Bangalore days and Vaayi Moodi Pesavum. Both were different movies with totally different story line. I loved Bangalore days which is directed by Anjali Menon and Vaayi Moodi Pesavum is directed by Balaji. It is also produced by Varun Manian. You can read about the second movie on