No Manage Profiles in Settings
JuiceDrinkinJunky last edited by 15 Jun 2023, 00:06
I recently transferred my files to a new account on my computer, and am having to set Opera GX back up. I was trying to set up profiles again, but there is no Manage GX Profiles button in the settings anymore. I use two different profiles for work and personal stuff, so is it possible to set up Profiles still? I had read from some people that they were removed and wanted to confirm if this is the case or not.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 15 Jun 2023, 00:48
@juicedrinkinjunky Did you install Opera GX?
JuiceDrinkinJunky last edited by 15 Jun 2023, 02:19
@leocg Yeah I did, but for some reason it decided to fix itself? So this can be closed I guess.
MDAB last edited by 17 Jun 2023, 13:51
did you found the answering to this issues? I need to add the second Profile too.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 17 Jun 2023, 18:37
@mdab LVL4 (core: 99.0.4788.75) here and the profiles manager is still there in the GX section of the settings page.