Can Aria remember conversations?
awhiteunicorn last edited by
I thought this AI was able to remember conversations?
I prompted it to recall my last questions and play back the last answers from my previous sessions and it said its unable to ? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@awhiteunicorn Take a look at
awhiteunicorn last edited by
@leocg Will Aria be using the new multi language model so i can get rid of google translate?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@awhiteunicorn It depends on what you mean. Here Aria seems to use the same language of the question.
awhiteunicorn last edited by
As per the above link - IF you ask aria to write long sentences in english and translate to japanese she can't but with the new update you should be able to now?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@awhiteunicorn Don't know. For simple sentences it seems to work.