Cursor Theming in OperaGX
citrue last edited by
I like OperaGX for its customizability, and I really enjoyed Chrome mods which allowed for customization of the cursor when using the browser. This suggestion is essentially a merger of those two: adding custom cursors to OperaGX. I feel like this small detail could add so much to the modding scene in terms of creativity. On top of this, the extensions for mouse cursor customization from other browsers and extensions are quite rudimentary, allowing for capitalization on those who wish for an improved form of this kind of feature.
I want to specify that this suggestion is for OperaGX, not for the standard Opera browser.
undermanfan last edited by
@citrue this idea is as good as a color-changing theme, which is very good
Jobro64 last edited by
I think having a built-in custom cursor app mod thing would be interesting. the way to access them would be through a new mod thingy obviously. also having a way to submit your own custom cursors without having to make a mod. (because mods are hard to make)
RemoveStitchface last edited by
Re: Cursor Theming in Opera GX
Basically custom cursors for Opera GXI like Opera GX for the customization
and I would like some custom cursors with it -