Opera Update on 4/28/23
Bobbyoooo last edited by
Opera was working great on my Windows 10 computer for years, until the above mentioned update. I wasn't really happy to see that on the speed dial page the links and folders are now "framed" in gray color, making the link and folders themselves smaller and harder to see; Also when I try to paste on the Google bar on the top of the speed dial page, "paste" is not on the menu, instead what is on the menu is about "wallpaper" and other cosmetic features. Also the Accu-weather temp on the upper left of the same page now shows temp in "C" not in "F", even though those settings are still correct, I hope that, in the near future, there in some improvement to some of the upgrades.
archimede last edited by
I too use Win 10 and have re-installed this ver. 97.0.4719.63 which works well and I immediately deactivated updates .
I also confirm
I noticed that the latest update disabled several mouse functions as soon as you press the right mouse button and want to copy and paste into the search list, e.g.
and went back to the verse before that everything works without problems -