Opera 26 beta 1
khizaimar86 last edited by
Can you please add an "Do not track" option ? Please
it would be more great
dinaanu last edited by
Hi. Am a new user.
Two problems...A). These pages wont open in opera but can open in other android browsers... Error msg is " Could not connect to proxy server. Access denied"
www.tiny.cc www.tiny.cc/tripplanner www.tiny.cc/indexdinaB). There is no way to open incognito tabs altho yr help menu says it exists... If it is there how to access/use?
Tq for a great product that is fast and far more advanced and beautiful than all other browsers!
Deleted User last edited by
. There is no way to open incognito tabs altho yr help menu says it exists... If it is there how to access/use?
Hit the button to see the openned tabs and hit 3 dot button and you will see the option "open a private tab".
azimuddin71 last edited by
Nice additions. I am looking forward to the following features
- Single column view just like opera mini
2.option to turn off discover tab
- Single column view just like opera mini
karafeka last edited by
Is bookmarks sync compatible with link.opera.com or is it completely seperate?
For me it doesn't sync my old bookmarks at link.opera.com. Will this going to work in the future perhaps?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Is bookmarks sync compatible with link.opera.com or is it completely seperate?
It's a new sync service, apart from Link. Maybe in the future the can talk to each other.
agantukcu last edited by
Can I ask why can't you make off-road mode in beta work just like in stable? Because of unavailability ofproper off-road mode & continuous oopsing, I can never use beta versions but only download it to see the changes going to be made in stable.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Can I ask why can't you make off-road mode in beta work just like in stable? Because of unavailability ofproper off-road mode & continuous oopsing, I can never use beta versions but only download it to see the changes going to be made in stable.
What is the problem exactly?
thedicemaster last edited by
there are a few things in the updated UI that bother be a bit.
the off-road counter is quite big.
an option to use a slim counter would be nice.
the slim counter would have no circle-meter and the usage information would move in it's place.
this way the off-road option could be shrunk down to the same size as the other options in the opera menu.the new "add where" screen when using the [+] button is a good idea, but not very useful its current form.
if you have more than 2 folders it will go off-screen and require scrolling.
a simple solution would be to display in multiple rows.
this way you could easily display over 20 bookmark folders without the need to scroll. -
custdemotest last edited by
Bug: check YouTube site and after video playback check another video, YouTube mobile site will be in full screen view.
custdemotest last edited by
Can I ask why can't you make off-road mode in beta work just like in stable? Because of unavailability ofproper off-road mode & continuous oopsing, I can never use beta versions but only download it to see the changes going to be made in stable.
What is the problem exactly?
Oops it's all over, what device you have since you don't encounter this problem?
agantukcu last edited by
The problem is when I use off-road mode in stable versions, opera saves almost 80% of data and this is the reason why I prefer opera over others but when I use off-road mode in beta versions, opera can't save even 10%. Another problem in beta versions is the continuous error message while visiting pages.
lancelotly last edited by
The problem is when I use off-road mode in stable versions, opera saves almost 80% of data and this is the reason why I prefer opera over others but when I use off-road mode in beta versions, opera can't save even 10%. Another problem in beta versions is the continuous error message while visiting pages.
I only know it is different when you use Bata off-road. The original one through a proxy likes opera mini, and the Bata one not.
Deleted User last edited by
Congrats for returning the Exit button on this version! That solved two of my major issues with Opera browser starting with blank page and having a proper exit.
Otgerwise, the Off-road counter is a bit big. You can consider making it smaller.Nothing serious as bugs so far, but I'll report if I find something.
penovich last edited by
Hello, thank you for the opera beta! Could you add an option to disable news section because it consumes extra traffic?
francischege327 last edited by
Hi am a new user of opera mini, thanx for fast browse, but this browser doesn't allow pic upload to a web, what do I do?.
A Former User last edited by
A new bug fixing version was released today. This upadate should improve overall stability of the product.
It is now available to download from Google Play.
Deleted User last edited by
And why does opera forget every time my passwords?
If i choose remember password, it forgets it the next time i start opera.
If i choose never remember the password for a site, opera asks to remember the password or not, when i open the same site and try to log in.
If i delete the browser history, except the saved password, opera forgets the saved passwords...and forgets the sites too, where i told opera never remember the password.
This is so annoying and amateur.
It is the end of 2014, and opera cant build a better and fully functional, full featured browser than opera mini.