Can't save opened tabs as Speed Dial folder
TheZeKai last edited by leocg
Right now, on my new PC, for whatever reason, i can't even save multiple links in one speed dial folder.
I can neither import my old speed dial folders. (The "other speedial entrys") option under the bookmark-funktion is not there for me.
Sorry but... what?
They say soimething about synchronisation, but when i activate it, i see the bookmarks from me devices from 6 months ago... and even then, not the speed dials.
There is this weird side, i can see a few very old long deleted speed dials there from other devices but i can't copy them from there.
And what use would it have, if i can't even right click and save all open tabs in speed dials. Or Bookmarks... Something even god damned internet explorer can do.
I searched over 3 Hours for a solution now, and i am at my limit... -