[Request]Option to add new bookmarks to bottom of the list
MrDGrim last edited by leocg
Is there an option to add new bookmarks to the bottom instead of the top that's perhaps insanely well hidden?
If not please add this.
Because without it i really don't think i can handle using this browser which would be sad because i prefer it over others for a lot of the features it brings.
the issue for me is that for years i organised my bookmarks with the fact that new ones got added to the bottom in different browsers (Firefox and chrome) and this browser just completely throws that out of the window currently.
I already had to deal with the fact that i couldn't ctrl + shift + d to bookmark all tabs into a new folder.
i already deal with the fact there is no "other bookmarks" button on the end of the bookmarks bar.
but this one i sadly can't get used to and would become a deal breaker for me no matter how much i love this browser for all the other parts. -
MrDGrim last edited by
@leocg well i hope they do. I bet a lot of people would like it. and they already tried making it so new bookmarks get added to the bottom but that received a lot of backlash which caused them to revert that (based on a forum thread i read while looking for solutions) so the only way to make everyone happy is a settings option for it.
But sadly if they don't this browser becomes unusable for my purposes. which would be a damned shame. cos as i said. i really like all the features this browser has otherwise. a huge step up from other browsers. especially that sidebar.
and i tried looking around for maybe an extension that could help but can't really find anything that fits the bill. -