opera://flags/ - show only active experiments
gregorw last edited by
Are you currently running any experiments?
At the moment, the only way to tell is to scroll through that long list and watch out for entries that are not set to "default", or, for those that only have a button, are enabled.
Similar to opera://extensions/ or opera://plugins/, it would be helpful if experiments could be filtered down to show only active (i.e., non-default) or inactive (i.e., default) entries.
Thank you.
nekomajin last edited by
You should order them by date, or add a label with the version number when the flag was introduced.
christoph142 last edited by
I submitted this feature request a while ago. It's tracked as DNA-26972 :chef:
unrealmirakulix last edited by
- Would be very useful, as there're some many flags and you cannot always guess the titles
- Would be very useful, as there're some many flags and you cannot always guess the titles
christoph142 last edited by
I did not realize Opera accepted suggestions as bug reports.
As @leocg pointed out already: They don't.
So don't waste your time sending them in cause it will only cost your and eventually our time to close it.
But there are some key users who earned access to Opera's bug tracking system. And they can submit feature requests, too. :idea: -
gregorw last edited by
from http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/changelog-29/#b1770.1:
DNA-26972 side menu items in opera:flags
Thanks a lot.