My Flow Now Broken... Only on Desktop
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Hello. I'm posting this in the hopes that I can get some help here. I set up My Flow to connect 4 devices together; 2 Android phones, one Linux PC, and one Windows 10 PC. I have been using My Flow to effortlessly send information, files, etc. back and forth across all 4 devices seamlessly for quite a while now, with 0 issues.
However, today I try to use My Flow and... it just loads infinitely on both PCs. On both Linux and Windows, it loads forever and doesn't let me access anything with My Flow. It doesn't even show a disconnection or anything. It just refuses to load and just shows a blank view and loading icon for all eternity. It can't be Windows or Linux because they are both doing it, and it can't be the account because the same My Flow setup still works between both Android phones. What gives? What's going on here? Why are both my computers on different OSs suddenly not working, after working before, but both phones still do? Someone please help.