[Duplicated][Suggestion]Ecosia as Search Engine
doesentma last edited by
Been using Opera GX for few Months now and been mostly happy about it. Here and there little things I would have changed. But what changed my view is that you cant put Ecosia as you standart search engine. I looked it up here in the forums. And people have been asking for it for years. There was even posts from 2016. And If I cant use Ecosia to do a small thing to help change the world, I wont be using this browser anymore. I even opend up a account to just do this post. cya
AMbird999 last edited by
@doesentma I am the same, if opera doesn't make ecosia a standard search engine then I am also leaving.
doesentma last edited by
@leocg It‘s a non profit company that invests all the money from ad revenue ro plant trees. They bring users like me to stay. That will make a very small impact in the enviroment. But you got to start small.
They could even promote it and by such a small thing, change a lot. -