Support for Tabs for a Cause
ColtonCole last edited by
I know which is why I suggested they should so I can use tabs for a cause on opera. It would be a feature that others would like along with myself and like I said a great way to support charity.
ColtonCole last edited by
Making another post hoping support for Tabs for a Cause will eventually be a thing. It literally raises money for charity by browsing the web and not having this feature is legit the only reason why I refuse to use the browser. Like is the team against supporting charity or what it doesn't make sense as it seems like a simple request. Until then I guess I will have to stick to edge which is fine for now.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@coltoncole You need to wait at least six months before bumping a request or suggestion, specially your own.
And, of course, you can't create a new topic for the same request/suggestion. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@coltoncole If Tabs for a Cause wants to make a partnership with Opera, they need to contact Opera and, maybe, they can get into an agreement.
ColtonCole last edited by
That is stupid you have to wait 6 months to bump a post. This feature seems pretty easy to implement and is preventing not just myself but a good amount of people from using. Tabs for a Cause has reached out in the past and Opera denied them which is lame by the way, they must hate charity or something. Anyways, this just another reason I am done with humans.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@coltoncole See Don't forget to adapt it for the Tabs for a Cause extension.
ColtonCole last edited by
@leocg That seems more complicated than just adding support for tabs for a cause and these days I am all about using the simpler approach than wasting unnecessary energy.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@coltoncole Opera doesn't support changing new tab page, so I don't think they will change it just for one extension.