JPEG XL Support
Dazld last edited by
As a quick summary, JPEG XL is an improved version of JPEG made by the same people, and designed to replace JPEG, GIF, and PNG as a new image standard. JPEG XL would help low-bandwidth users, like the ones using Opera Mini, to save on data. JPEG XL is said to use less processing power than AVIF, helping Opera GX users to get more performance. Companies that support the standard being added to browsers include Facebook, Adobe, SmugMug/Flickr, The Guardian, Sketchfab, Cloudinary, Intel, Krita, Shopify, Skovik, TwicPics, Endless Sphere, Serif, and Dobco. Pale Moon has released support for it, and Firefox is working on implementing it. Similar to the Manifest v3 decision, Google is ignoring feedback and dropping support in Chromium, so Opera would need to take action for it to continue to be supported. Would Opera be willing to keep JPEG XL after Google's removal, and would we see it getting enabled by default for Opera users soon?