[Duplicated]how to import saved password
mynameisn3 last edited by leocg
So I wanted to reinstall windows on my computer and I wanted to save my password from opera gx but after I exported It doesn't show the import button what should I do?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@mynameisn3 As said, first you go to opera://flags and enable that passwords import flag. Then you go the passwords manager and import your passwords from the csv file
IbogaQueen last edited by
@leocg when i go to the flags page in latest version of opera for android only 3 flags are shown, none for passwords. The URL opera://settings/passwords says page cannot be found..
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@ibogaqueen This is about Opera for desktops, there is no import tool in Opera GX for mobile or in any other mobile version of Opera.