Opera opens in a monitor that is not working
Pabo9512 last edited by leocg
I was working on 3 displays. When I powered off my computer, Opera was on the Left display. The next day when I power on my computer, my Left display was not working. So I just had the Center and Right displays working. Since Opera was on the Left display the last time, Opera wanted to be open on the Left display by default. I couldn't grab the window sine the Left dispaly was not working for me. So it looks like Opera doesn't check if the Monitor is enable by the Windows operative system. It just opens by default on the last location it was.
I believe this is a bug.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
There's this old post that pretty much sounds like what's happening to you, but it was supposed to be fixed a while ago. You can try the keyboard shortcut workarounds in there to see if that helps move the Opera window to the monitor you want.
Pabo9512 last edited by
@burnout426 I tried minimizing and maximizing the window by right clicking on the taskbar icon but that didn't work. Thank you for the link... it is good to know the shortcuts though.