fetures i would like to see
nartnk last edited by
If i have 2 opera browsers open i would like to be able to drag a tab from one browser to the other, it would be helpfull because i am using multiple displays. Would help because now i have to coppy the link and paste it to a new tab and lose the part of the page i was reading.
make it so i am able to edit the speed dial bar photos in homepage of opera tab for better clarity some automaticly have the photo but stuff like Gmail and f1 TV dont have it ( just examples of what i use). i dont like using a quickserch bar on top as it takes extra display space.
Having an option to create a random password would be awesome i know it is random request but signing up for stuff like this forum is easier and secure with a random password generation that is saved to the browser for quick login.
Thanks for considering, and love the operaGX browser so far coming from chrome.