List of previous searches not showing up in site's own search fields
DarkXion666 last edited by leocg
I need help enabling search bar suggestions. I don't mean sites like google or the url where you type and it'll suggest previous searched text. On some sites where they have their own search bar to find something you're looking for I used to be able to search and my previous searches will pop up. Now after reinstalling OperaGX I am not able to have the prediction search on, despite me having the flag enabled and the setting turned on.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@darkxion666 The flags and the setting has nothing to do with it, they are for Opera's search/address bar.
Sometimes it happens that what you type in some fields in some sites are stored by Opera and shows up when you click on those fields, but I never knew a why to control where it would be enabled or not.
Any examples of sites where you see such behavior occurring?
DarkXion666 last edited by
@leocg the only examples I can give is sadly 18+ websites lmao. Dunno the TOS really for this site so dunno if I can even mention em lol.