WWW unusable without AdGuard cookie filters
aforanonymous last edited by
The EU's GDPR took the web back to the late 90s where everything was popups, nags and rubbish "consent", "subscribe", "your privacy is important to us", etc. The only way to open a Google result and not waste your time is to block this cancer, and you need every filter list out there (I'm running over 30) for ads, privacy, annoyances, cookies, subscriptions, text faders, overlays, video overlays on bottom right and so on.
It has become so bad that Opera Mobile's cookie nag blocker just doesn't do it for any of the random sites I click from my search results. It's also unmaintainable for Opera to do this without community contribution.
This is why I'm moving out to Vivaldi. I'll miss the text wrap feature dearly, but I'm wasting too much time and energy closing rubbish on every page it's just not worth it anymore.
The only good solution to this is AdGuard filter support, or extension support to load uBlock whatever. Without this missing piece, Opera Mobile is done for: a power browser that doesn't cater to power users because it's missing the most important feature for power users.
And if you created a premium version of Opera Mobile with an awesome interface to managing these filters including URL sync, filterlists integration and paste multiple URLs, I'd happily pay for it and keep the one browser with text wrap. My time is valuable.