[Duplicated][Request] Allow Altering or Removal of Default Search Engines
RubelliteFae last edited by leocg
I can't see any good reason to force us to use something we don't want. If I type "y chromosome haplogroup" I want it to use DuckDuck Go to search for that phrase, not search Yahoo (a search engine I've never used in my 30 years on the Internet) for "chromosome haplogroup." Further, I use Wiktionary & WisdomLib more often than Wikipedia, yet am forces to use W only for Wikipedia.
I attempted the option of only using tab for specialized searches, but Tab causes Opera to cycle through the suggestions & bookmarks instead. That being the case, I don't even know why it's listed as an option.
Why is a browser with built-in privacy & ad-blocking features not allowing me to remove Google, Bing, Yahoo, or Amazon searches? I've been using the browser for two years and this still hasn't been resolved. The previous requests have been closed without any indication of attempted resolution. Now more than ever people are jumping ship from Google products. Opera should be there to catch them with open arms. Firefox is kicking your ass at welcoming former Chrome users.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
It appears that the search engines that come with Opera are protected by deals Opera has made with the search engine companies. That's probably why you can't change them. The companies probably pay to not allow users to remove them or change their keywords. It's unlikely to change.
If you want to continue using Opera, try getting used to always pressing a d and a space before you type your search terms. That will guarantee DuckDuckGo is used.
For search engines that you add, as you've noticed, you can't use keywords already used. Try setting the keywords to wk and wl for example.
RubelliteFae last edited by
@burnout426 Wow! Amazon, Microsoft, & Google are three of the biggest companies in the world, yet they pay the 6th most popular browser (https://www.oberlo.com/statistics/browser-market-share) to advertise? Seems odd. Particularly since two of those more popular options are from Microsoft & Google.
Surely Opera knows people don't come to it unless they are also trying to get away from those others.
lopewolf last edited by
you need a reality check my friend, we are in 2022, it is since 2013 that Opera works this way, since they abandoned Presto to use blink/chromium, every browser has deals with search providers to include their engines, that is how browser companies make money and give us for free a complicated piece of software. We can only guess why Opera has chosen this way, but is seems elementary that if you structure your browser this way you will get a better deal - read it: more money - with DDG, G et cetera
nine years ago I totally hated this "novelty" - I complained tons of times on the Opera blog, I arrived to the point of quitting Opera, today I have learned to live with it, it is a matter of habit, every browser comes with his hiccups, Opera has a handful of unique features which make my browsing better, it is a live with it or leave it situation, your choice.