Opera GX processing failure
BlacksWhite last edited by
First forgive me for my english, I'm not very experienced.
A few months ago I'm having problems with Opera GX, I have 2 computers.
A notebook (i5-6gen 8gbram) and a desktop (i7-10gen 16gbram).At 5 months, the desktop can't open Opera Gx without giving some problem.
Both computers use W11 since before the problem occurred.
In the first 2 months to be able to open the browser on the Desktop I had to open it in compatibility mode, and always on the second try it worked normally. The opening problem started after a Windows 11 update.
After a while I realized that the problem was due to a failure in the GX internal processing process when booting into Windows 11.
For some reason each process core is limited to around 12 to 13% CPU processing, the browser opens several cores but they all stay around 0% to 2% when the browser opens, but a core sometimes starts with higher values at 13% this caused an "over loop", a kind of permanent processing that crashed the browser's look, apparently instead of the browser's graphical resources being processed in the multiple cores opened, they were all being processed in a single core, causing a crash in the browser visual loop function.
The browser has since gone through updates, this has worsened the problem, now something that was occasional in a process trading between 11 and 13%, almost always started at 20% to 30% in the same core, and this gets worse in the latest versions coming at 40 and 50%.So I did several tests to see how the browser responded in different situations.
1- I left several tabs saved to open along with the application, as a result the browser was operating at 43% for 1h 32min to be able to respond to graphic interaction again.
2- I opened the browser in safe mode, the response was much faster, taking about 5 minutes.
3- I opened the browser in incognito mode, it took about 2 minutes.
4- I opened the browser with multiple screens open, opening and closing the browser until it responded, this varied depending on the number of tabs and varied between 4 to 8 attempts to open the program, as each attempt had to be closed in the task manager, it took about 5 to 15 minutes for the whole process.
5- I opened the browser with only the default homepage, it took 7 minutes to open.
during the tests I didn't deactivate the sidebar my twitter account, whatssap and discord were loaded separately while the browser loaded.
Another observation I noticed is that the page was being drawn but the interaction processes of interaction commands stopped responding, that is, the browser drew all the graphic resource but did not recognize clicks, mouse over, among other standard input triggers during loading, not only within the browser pages but also in the browser's own menu items, being completely blocked for interactions, when clicking a few times on the button, the process crashed the application leaving the graphic white, but after a few seconds ( if the user does not choose to close) the graph returns to drawing as it was before the interaction.
One more thing I noticed in the failure, is that after the browser manages to process everything it needs, it stops crashing even if it closes and opens again, but if the computer is turned off, the problem returns.
My theory is that there are 3 programming flaws that are affecting the app's interface.
1 - The commands used to distribute the processing of the buttons and functions of the browser are being executed after the recovery of the previous parameters saved in the folder of internal information, it should be processed in parallel.
2 - The previous parameters are encrypted but because of a designer error it is being processed by only 1 core, which overloads causing a delay in processing the data, it would be more interesting if the browser chose to load only the data of the first open page to give time to recover the other pages as needed, even if the hardware of the machine has a lot of space and power to hold everything.
3 - The browser does not prioritize the basic features, giving the same importance as the page data, this causes this crash, regardless of internet, having finished loading the page, having read the messages in the applications, the interface buttons of the browser should have first priority, so that in case of an error, you have the option to click on a window to cancel the operation or even to access the error code, in the current process, everything is blocked, needing access to memories and external resources to try identify the problem.
Imagine an image launcher that gets stuck for not being able to open the image quickly, this is the current problem of the browser
I can post some pictures later if you want.