Sidebar Sketch
sunlow last edited by
it's a nice idea and it's good if you just like scribbling, but if you actually want to sketch like it says in the title I can't rec it TT don't get me wrong, it's not bad ! i can draw on it and enjoy it but there are limited colours and you can't change brush sizes. Also no undo which is something I always need at the ready lol TT if you want an actual sketchpad or whatever you're better off drawing on snip&sketch or whatever it's called, or just getting a free program. no hate to you guys ! I just got a little mislead after seeing sketch lol. but it's still fun to draw on it while doing other stuff on opera
radioactivecookiecat last edited by
For some reason I'm not able to use it I can click on the different colors on clear and save but when I go down to write or draw something there's nothing it just doesn't react to me clicking at all..
Ambiguous last edited by
It's pretty good but I wish there were more colors to choose from and different brushes. Also I have to press the refresh button every time I open it to use it.
angelo2008 last edited by
also, I do want to add more colors, brush sizes, and "undo" feature (it's what the people in the comments said) but when I upload a new version of Sidebar sketch, it takes for Opera to moderate my addon (and my other addons)
angelo2008 last edited by
@angelo2008: I may have noticed that some other developers are encountering this problem too
Mr-penetrator last edited by
Hi, it seams that i can´t draw anything when opening the app, si there any support for this? I´m currently in the 1.0.2 version
Luporo last edited by
@radioactivecookiecat that exact same thing happend to me i fixed it by refreshing it on the top left of the sidebar sketch there is the refresh just press it and it will work if it doesnt sorry i dont know
doublem777 last edited by
@angelo2008: you could try that if the application starts you reload the programm in your code. maybe it wil work then without reload it manually
Relaxolotl01 last edited by
@robloxafbb That's enough, please don't reply to me because it's been 3 months since the computer broke down and it was sold 1 month ago, please.