a site keeps disappearing in bookmark bar
mardiyah last edited by
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/repair/site inexplicably keeps on disappearing in bookmark bar
Any knowledge what is culprit, and how to solve it?
mikeyy45 last edited by
hello, I did check this site you have mentioned with my opera. not disappearing on my toolbar. can you confirm which version you are using?
kindly update the version if it is outdated. -
alobpreis last edited by alobpreis
@mardiyah If you open the bookmark tab (opera://bookmarks) and search for it, is it also gone? Are you sure it's not moved to that drop down menu that appears when there are too many bookmarks in the bookmark tab? Changing the resolution or the browser's window size will also affect this.
mardiyah last edited by
ok we're getting idea, point causing:it has one on the bar at top which the icon is shown when the "show bar" is on
it has one on the bar not shown ie. following any icon on the bar at top which is not shown
so must remove the latter.... then SOLVED!