Wrong mouse reaction playing golf clash on facebook
sven062981 last edited by
There are at least 2 issues with mouse reaction playing golf clash on Facebook. I have played before with chrome, edge and mozilla. And everywhere it's the same way as playing with the android version on a tablet.
1: after clicking and holding the LMB to turn the picture, simply releasing the LMB has no effect. Instead I have to press RMB to let go.
2: if clicking a 2nd time in this situation, the browser switches to the FB page through which the game was originally called. Similar to a back button.
The problems only occurs during interaction with an opponent, so it is very hard/impossible to test anything further. Testing = loosing. -
Maria726 Banned last edited by
@sven062981 why you playing on Facebook just take a best cavity back irons and putters to play and start practical golf game. it will give more pleasure & make you healthy instead of playing any computer based game.