Mouse buttons 4 & 5 are switched
leland359 last edited by leocg
I use 5 browsers, this one is now 6. It's only in Opera where my two side mouse buttons are registered backwards / switched. I use them to go forward and backward in browsing history. Only in Opera do they switch. The code of what it is registered for is backwards is my guess. Using a Glorious Mode O, not important for this issue but still mentioning.
I can't see how it could possibly be a mouse software issue (as other posts claim) as the registration of the buttons from the software works perfectly and is registered perfectly everywhere else on my computer. I also use those buttons for other things too.
Specifically, in Opera does this get reversed.
Is there a flag, or code, or key code, or some place where I can change the registration of the codes within the code of Opera?
I am running Opera on a Mac.
leland359 last edited by
@leland359 Forgot to mention, this isn't a problem on my Windows machine (I also use the same mouse on that machine as well). To be clear, it's the MacOS build that has the buttons going backwards, the Windows build has no problem with them.
leland359 last edited by
I did a lot of research and come up with a provisional work around using an app called BetterTouchTool’ll put screenshots here of what I did.
aliveman96 last edited by
@leland359 Apparently its only a 45 day trial tho, did you manage to find a more permanent solution?
I have a LogitechGPROX-Superlight and also have the same problem. g4 and g5(back and forward) are switched but only on Opera. It works perfectly fine elsewhere on my mac. This is for sure an Opera issue and not a mouse issue. The mouse works as intended.
Really sucks that these button functionality might be the reason I don't switch over from Brave tbh.. -
SebastianM 0 last edited by
I had the same problem and this solved it:
Simon868 last edited by
@sebastianm-0 did you find a fix? one year later and still the same issue for me