Hidden Pinboards
kathyb last edited by leocg
On the issue of pinboards disappearing, and a few people saying they are in your favorites, then people like me saying no, they are not. Well, we are Both right!! In trying to organize my favorites, I installed a manager. The fav. manager pulled up my favs and I was shocked to see pinboards there. However, when I went to my favorites, the pinboards were not there. Since the manager was not functioning, I exported the bookmarks. I open the file, poof,
there are pinboards. The problem here is they are showing in the manager (that doesn't work) And if you export your favorites and open the file you will see pinboards. Now to the person who stated they are hidden in your favorites, I apologize. If that's a backup, why on earth would it be hidden?! The screens are of the (useless) extension, and the other from the exported downloaded file. How do you restore a pinboard from a hidden place? operfav1.png