Opera portable 74.0.3911.203 not updatable
giovanni64 last edited by
Hi and thank you very much for your reply.
Would it be possible to let me know what the latest portable version of Opera is out there and maybe have a safe link for me to download it, please. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 You can check the link on the bottom of this page or you can go directly to https://www.opera.com/computer/portable
You can also download the regular installer, click on options and choose to have a standalone/USB installation.
giovanni64 last edited by
@leocg Thanks for your quick reply but please explain me what exactly you mean by:
"You can also download the regular installer, click on options and choose to have a standalone/USB installation."
What you mean by ... regular installer?
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 The normal Opera installer, that you get in www.opera.com/download.
giovanni64 last edited by
OK, what I did know is that I deleted all except the profile folder, in the Opera folder in c:/ and I started the downloaded version from another site with over 88 MB to my previous opera folder in C:/
After the installation I started Opera but the window opened with
Opera Internet Browser has stopped working
Windows can check online for a solution to the problem the next time you go online.Check online for a solution later and close the program
Close the programWhat can I do now? Is there something in the Registry to delete and what or something else?
The portable version I downloaded is OperaPortable_83.0.4254.62.paf.exe
giovanni64 last edited by
I've downloaded the file Opera_84.0.4316.14_Setup.exe and started it but without success.
The same window opened up again and nothing happened.
What else shall I do? How can I delete it completely? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 What other site would be that? Opera should be downloaded from its official site only.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
Do a test first.
Download https://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop/84.0.4316.14/win/Opera_84.0.4316.14_Setup_x64.exe, launch it, click "options", set "install path" to a folder named "Opera Test" on your desktop ("C:\Users\your_username_goes_here\Desktop\Opera Test" for example), set "install for" to "standalone installation", uncheck "import data from default browser", and install. You can then launch that Opera by double-left-clicking the launcher.exe in the "Opera Test" folder.
Does that Opera start up and run?
giovanni64 last edited by
Is this a joke?
I don't have the 64 bit Windows System, I have 32 bit and that file I downloaded is from the official Opera website. However, nothing is working after I created the Opera Test folder on Desktop.
What you know about IObit Uninstaller 11 PRO? Does it do the trick to completely delete it? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 You didn't say anything about your system be 32 bits and most people nowadays have 64 bits systems.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 So Opera doesn't open? Or it opens but you can't access pages? What nothing works means on that case?
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
@giovanni64 said in Opera portable 74.0.3911.203 not updatable:
I don't have the 64 bit Windows System, I have 32 bit
It's always assumed you're using a 64-bit version of Windows unless you explicitly state otherwise.
No problem, https://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/desktop/84.0.4316.14/win/Opera_84.0.4316.14_Setup.exe is the 32-bit one.
I downloaded is from the official Opera website. However, nothing is working after I created the Opera Test folder on Desktop.
Are there files in the "Opera Test" folder like launcher.exe etc.? Or, did the installer not get that far? I'd try again with the installer for the 32-bit version of Opera I linked to just for good measure. You can install it to "Opera Test 2" on your desktop if you want.
Also, if you're using your Microsoft account to sign into Windows and you're part of a Microsoft Family, see https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/known_issues#wiki_opera_closes_right_away. You can also temporarily create a new user account on Windows (local account only), log into it, and see if Opera loads there.
What you know about IObit Uninstaller 11 PRO?
Does it do the trick to completely delete it?
Deleting a portable install of Opera involves just deleting its install folder. There's nothing else to it. Of course, if you want to save your data, you copy the "profile" folder in it to somewhere else first. Also, any existing Opera will not interfere with the test standalone installation/portable installs you make.
giovanni64 last edited by
I have that file: Opera_84.0.4316.14_Setup.exe which I've downloaded to my
I've created a directory on my desktop with the name Opera Test then double clicked on it but nothing happened.
Now I will do the SFC scan and let you know what happened! -
giovanni64 last edited by
Sorry, nothing came up with the option of selecting a directory and no error was coming up.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 So you clicked on Options in the installer and then on Change on the right of the Path to field and nothing happened?
giovanni64 last edited by
I'm very sorry but I do not understand " Options" I cannot see Options. Where do I find that and how, please?I double click on it and type run, that's all.
Also before I have tried to install it on a 16 GB USB Stick. No installation possible!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@giovanni64 When you run Opera installer, there is a dialog window with a link/button called Options that opens the installation settings.
giovanni64 last edited by
@leocg Hi, that button with the Options doesn't show up on my computer.
Maybe I need another file?